We believe we are closer to a peace deal than ever before. We appreciate the efforts of all sides and the support of the international community. We once again want to reiterate that any conflict could be resolved by dialogue and we are optimistic that Afghan government, Taliban, US and the rest of international community will honor their promises and help us rebuild our country and live in peace. We hope we shall soon witness peace to do justice to our motherland and make it a secure and better place for our brothers and sisters so that no Afghans have to travel to another country for medical treatment, labor work, or escape violence, discrimination and injustice in their own country.
This paper is developed by Afghan women from 15 provinces in two days, which we hope can demonstrate the capacity of Afghan women, connectivity of urban and rural women and our clarity on the way forward to sustainable peace. We do not want the International Community to fight our battle. All we ask of you is to not leave us alone on the battlefield. Support us to continue our struggle for universal human rights.
Below are the links to the statement of Provincial Women’s Networks (PWNs) perspectives and recommendations for Intra-Afghan dialogues and negotiations in three languages (English, Dari and Pashto). This statement is developed in consultation with women from provinces and present their views and recommendations on the way forward to sustainable peace. The paper is launched on 15 August 2020 simultaneously in Kabul and fifteen provinces (Kabul, Parwan, Bamyan, Daikundi, Helmand, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Paktya, Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Balkh, Faryab and Herat).
Provincial Women’s Networks (PWNs) are registered with Ministry of Justice of Afghanistan as grassroots networks, bringing women together from different walks of life in each province to build trust and confidence, make alliances with different actors and work in their communities towards conflict resolution, peacebuilding and service delivery. The PWNs are active with 30 to 40 members in 15 provinces (Kabul, Parwan, Bamyan, Daikundi, Helmand, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Paktya, Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Balkh, Faryab and Herat). These networks were established by EQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) in seven provinces in 2012 and later expanded to cover fifteen provinces with technical support from Cordaid. The members are receiving tailored trainings and capacity building that is based on their needs to become more effective mediators and peacebuilders in their communities. As of now they have mediated, advocated and resolved more than 1,118 cases, which includes conflicts resolution cases, violence against women cases, prevention of child marriages, educating and empowering women, job placements, women’s political participation and promoting girls’ education in their communities.
Here is a statement links.
Provincial Women’s Networks Perspectives and Recommendations – Dari
Provincial Women’s Networks Perspectives and Recommendations – English
Provincial Women’s Networks Perspectives and Recommendations – Pashto
I can guss that, your ability and capacity are good for supporting Women riths. if you effort, gather from all over of our wonen and express their ideas about peace and equality.