
1398 Draft National Budget Review – Launch Event

NBR 1FY1398 budget totals to AFN 399.42 billion, of which AFN 275.22 billion is allocated for the ordinary budget which constitutes 69% of the core budget. The developmental budget has a smaller share of the FY 1398 budget that totals to AFN 124.19 billion constituting 31% of the core budget.

The proposed budget for FY 1398 has been decreased by AFN 13.79 billion Compared to the national budget FY 1397. Additionally, this comparison reveals that the proportion of 1398 operating budget has been decreased by 2% and the development budget by 7%.

On 19 December 2018, EQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) launched the “1398 Draft National Budget Review” in an event attended by representatives of government officials, media and civil society. It is the eighth annual report published by EPD and provides a snapshot of financial resources, gender responsive budgeting, budget expenditure, reforms in comparison to the previous years.

NBR 3With this annual review, EPD aims to present a simple and coherent review of the budget so that people can understand the budget and what it means for their daily lives and review the quality of services via allocated resources. This independent budget research report also provides details to Afghan parliament to review and approve the national budget. The process furthermore, can play as platform for input on national budget planning from a civil society perspective.

The launch event included a panel discussion to further analyze the draft national budget from government, civil society and public views. The representative of the ministry of women affairs was also invited to anayze the budget from a gender responsive perspective.  EPD was honored with presence of Mr. Sayed Nazer Agha (MoF), Ms. Nabila Muslih (MoWA) and Mr. Nasir Taimori (IWA) as panelist to moderate the panel, deliver speeches and provide answers to questions posed by the participants.

The research report is available on our website and you access it by clicking on the following link:


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