
Campaign for 16 Days of Activism

15328371_783291525144488_2110411501_nViolence against women is a common dilemma not only in Third World countries but also in the developed countries, emerging in different shapes from domestic violence to political gender discrimination. In Afghanistan also, women are vulnerable and have been victims of improper customs such as early marriage and Baad, Badal, inequality and sexual harassment. Although a huge campaign on women rights is going on to end this violence against women, but  still one among three women in the world are facing one or other kind of violence. However, efforts have significantly reduced its rate the and attempts will continue.

25th November till 10 December, 16 days of activism is an international campaign dedicated to women issues especially removing violence and human right based advocacies for women. It is reminiscent of four main historical events.

-25th November, international day of removing violence against women

-1st December, international day of AIDS

-6th December, massacre in Montreal on 1986(murder of 14 female university for being feminist)

-10th December, international day of human rights

15357064_783291331811174_1622138093_nEQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) during 16 days of activism has undertaken a series of activities ranging from raise awareness on women rights in universities to the awareness raising at grass root level in rural areas, to support this international campaign. EPD believes that lack of awareness is one of the main factors which leads to violence and provide the opportunity for the perpetrators to violate women’s right. To actively participate in the sixteen days of activism, EPD has set up awareness raising billboards in Kabul, Parwan, Kapisa and Panjshir to raise public awareness regarding VAW and its prohibition through Islamic law and EVAW law.

Furthermore, on 5th December 2016, EPD held two debates on “Sixteen days of Activism” in Rana University and Afghan Technical vocational Institute (ATVI) in Kabul. The events invited around 145 participants including university students and teachers to support the campaign of removing violence against women. The session in Rana University, was led by Mr. Mohammad Abubaker Usuly, university teacher while the latter one was moderated by Mr. Mohammad Azhar Wakil Popalzai university lecturer. During the session, information about anti-harassment law for women and children was shared with the participants. Later the participants shared their views and posed their questions which were answered by the moderators. The participants highly supported the anti-harassment law and campaign for removing violence.

Similar programs were conducted on 4th December in three other provinces of Afghanistan including Parwan, Panjshir and Kapisa in high schools with participation of 25 to 30 participants in each debate session. Youth shared their opinion and there were a consensus among the attendees that women’s right should be enhanced and efforts should be put for reinforcement of EVAWL and supporting the anti-harassment law.

It is worth mentioning that during these events hundreds of awareness raising brochures and orange scarfs were distributed among participants to support this international campaign.

Furthermore, EPDs held two live radio discussion sessions in Panjshir and Parwan broadcasted in respectively Khurasan and Shar-be-Shar local radios. The sessions lasted for 30 minutes and women’s rights from Islamic perspective and the anti-harassment law were discussed.

EPDs campaign doesn’t end here and it will conduct more activities for supporting campaign of 16 days of activism.

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