


EQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) is a non-for-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to empowering women and youth at the community and policy levels in Afghanistan. EPD was established in early 2010 by a number of Afghan professionals who believe in equal rights. Our aim is to increase the capacity of women and youth in order for them to be at the front in presenting their needs in developmen



EQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization dedicated to empowering women and youth at the community and policy levels in Afghanistan. EPD was established in early 2010 by Ms. Nargis Nehan, the Executive Director of EPD. EPD works to build the capacity of women and youth in order for them to be the front face in presenting their needs in development, peace building and democratic processes of the country. EPD further aims at mass mobilization of women and youth to contribute to overcoming the challenges of instability that Afghanistan is facing. EPD establishes platforms for women and youth to come together, establish networks, build trust and confidence and strive jointly for transforming Afghanistan into a democratic country free of all forms of violence and discrimination.

Our Vision

We envisage Afghanistan as a peaceful, prosperous and democratic state where all Afghans enjoy equal rights without any form of discrimination.

Our Mission

To empower and strengthen women and youth at the community and policy levels to build coalitions and networks and jointly promote and advocate for human rights, peace and good governance.

EPD focuses on three following strategic areas

“Peace Building”: To encourage and influence the people of Afghanistan, men and women alike, to participate and engage in peace building, conflict resolution and peace keeping processes.

” Good Governance”: In contributing towards improvement of governance, we aim to increase transparency and accountability of public resources and policies through strengthening communities by engaging them in the process of budget planning, implementation and monitoring and reporting of development programs. We also aim to strengthen communities through active civil society groups to monitor service delivery and keep relevant institution accountable for quality of services.

“Human Rights”: Peace and good governance are critical to ensuring respect for human rights. EPD takes a rights-based approach to development, implementing programming that aims to empower all people of Afghanistan to know and exercise their rights as Afghan citizens regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or other factors.

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