Research and Assessment 

  • EPDO carries out research and assessments in the areas of peace, human rights, humanitarian aid, gender, education, and governance to identify and address the root causes of the problems at hand, as doing so, is the most crucial step toward addressing them. Through research and assessments, EPDO engages in evidence generation and knowledge production.
  • EPDO uses its research branch as a foundation and reference for all program development and advocacy activities. Research reports prepared by EPDO are used for local, regional and international level advocacy initiatives. EPDO has a diverse, experienced and skilled research team, who are able to undertake quantitative and qualitative studies effectively.

Training and Capacity Building

  • EPDO focuses on training and capacity building to provide Afghan people with the tools to act in their respective communities as agents of change.
  • EPDO has developed and implemented capacity-building training on peace, human rights, humanitarian aid, gender, education, good governance, accountability, advocacy, and leadership at the local, sub-national, and national levels with diverse communities.
  • These strategies allow people to identify issues and challenges affecting their lives and communities, build alliances with other groups, and address problems themselves or advocate for solutions. Through the capacity building and mobilisation initiatives, EPDO aims to build leadership among people and bring sustainable change in society by empowering all its members.

Advocacy and Awareness

  • Public support is necessary to advocate for change. For our actions to be publicly supported, we must carry out awareness-raising advocacy activities about social issues, challenges, and opportunities that mobilize people to demand change
  • Our advocacy and awareness portfolio is carried out at the provincial, national, and international levels.


  • EPDO believes in building partnerships through an inclusive approach. EPDO thus focuses on building collaborations at the local, national and international levels. EPDO trains and mobilizes communities, leaders, so they can work together to address key issues that impact them. Through its meetings, training programmes, EPDO encourages and fosters collective work and mobilization.


EPDO is committed to securing the intrinsic rights of youth and vulnerable communities so they can live with dignity. In this fragile context, characterized by a growing demand for humanitarian assistance, EPDO has adopted a comprehensive approach, aligning with the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) and fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence. Additionally, EPDO embraces the Triple Nexus, which seeks to improve and connect humanitarian aid, development, and peace-building efforts. To address the urgent needs of Afghans in this challenging environment, with frequent environmental disasters, EPDO has developed comprehensive response plans for humanitarian actions. These plans encompass meticulous analysis, strategic partnerships, and capacity development tailored to the unique circumstances faced by people in Afghanistan. EPDO’s response plans in times of crisis are community driven, participatory and localized.




EPDO ensures that its work is in adherence to all ethical and safety guidelines. To this end, EPDO undertakes the following measures.

  • Do No Harm Principle & Right-Based Approach
  • SOPs on Humanitarian Response
  • Community of experts for Cash-based Interventions
  • Protection mainstreaming in all our programs
  • SPHERE Standards and CHS Principles
  • Stronger Program and Operations Team
  • In our programming, we do implement the IASC Gender Handbook and Gender Marker