EPDO was first established in Kabul in 2010 and has worked in almost all provinces of Afghanistan over the last 12 years. EPDO established an extensive field presence and had managed to establish sub-offices in 20 provinces of Afghanistan before the fall of the government in mid-August 2021.  Today, EPDO’s main office is located in Kabul and EPDO continues to maintain its sub-offices in 13 provinces such as Balkh, Nimruz, Jowzjan, Kunduz, Kandahar, Bamyan, Herat, Helmand, Badakhshan, Nangarhar, Farah, Baghlan, and Paktia.


EPDO has access to all the regions of Afghanistan and has wider access to nearly all 34 provinces of Afghanistan through its sub-offices, its networks and partners. EPDO can expand the geographical coverage to all the provinces if new projects are awarded.

EPDO MAIN Office Address
Qalla e Fathullah Street 12 in front of Imam Baqir Mosque house number 12 Kabul, Afghanistan
Office Address
Pol -e Khomri Disrtict 3 Shashsad Kote Road 52 Baghlan, Afghanistan
Office Address
Center of Gardez Second District Behind of Abasin Clinic Road 26 House 6 Kabul, Afghanistan
Office Address
Third District Roghton Wat University Road 3 House 38 Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Office Address
Shahre Naw Behind of BamyanAirport Infront of Resalat Mosque Bamyan, Afghanistan