
Promoting social and economic empowerment of the people of Afghanistan, especially youth and people from vulnerable communities so they can achieve their full potential; encouraging, enabling, and facilitating their active involvement in the community.


We envision Afghanistan as a prosperous country where the youth and people from vulnerable communities are empowered and uplifted so they can live with dignity and contribute to the nation as equals without facing any form of discrimination.

Core Values

Non-discrimination, transparency and accountability, gender equality & empowerment, resilience building, intersectionality, inclusiveness and diversity, collaboration and partnerships.

Thematic Focus

Humanitarian and Livelihood Support “Removing hunger and building resilience”

Social and Behavioral Change “Promoting good governance and social cohesion”

Child Protection “enhance children’s rights from Islamic perspectives”

Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and Refugees “ensure access to public services”

Education “equitable access to quality education”

Health and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) “Healthcare access in rural communities”