
Peace Activist Network

Since loss of lives, physical disabilities, displacement, destruction of houses and infrastructure is being experienced differently among men and women, perception of radicalization and violent extremism varies among the genders. Women and children are the most vulnerable groups to violent extremism. Being excluded from peace process and decision making increases women’s vulnerability. Women both in Pakistan and Afghanistan Read More…


Community-based Monitoring Mechanism

The monitoring of service delivery is the job of every citizen. Each of us has the responsibility to make sure that public funds are spent correctly and transparently, intervening where necessary without the use of violence. This is known as community-based monitoring.On 16th April 2017, EPD invited its provincial coordinators from 15 provinces of the country for Training of Trainers (ToT) on “Community-based Monitoring Mechanism” in Kabul. Read More…


Women Economic Empowerment

While there is little study of women owned businesses’ contribution as drivers to increase the growth rate of the economies but there is a general consensus that women play pivotal role in development and growth of the economies. If the barriers preventing women from economic participation are eliminated or alleviated, labor productivity could increase by up to 25% in some countries (World Bank Gender Report 2012). Overall, Read More…


Campaign of Eradication of Illiteracy

Afghanistan is one of the countries with highest level of illiteracy. It is recorded that 66 percent of Afghans are illiterate and this percentage among women is more critical reaching to 90 percent. Additionally, illiteracy rate is higher in remote and rural areas in comparison to urban places. Illiteracy is a main challenge which emerge as a result of security, cultural, economic and social problems. EPD and its partners all are committed to serve Afghanistan, Read More…


61st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women is a great opportunity for EQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) to share its view on Women, Peace and Security and women empowerment in Afghanistan. This event, taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York City on March 13-24, 2017, intends to discuss women’s economic empowerment, achievements in implementation of Millennium Development Goals and indigenous Read More…


Quarterly Meeting with PWN Coordinators

Each quarter EPD invites the PWN coordinators from 15 provinces to the central office in Kabul to discuss about the activities and the limitation they faced. Such meetings enhance coordination and facilitate interaction between the central office and the subnational offices. Furthermore, it indirectly connects the central office to women at grass-root level by hearing their challenges and experience sharing. EPD recently, conducted 6th round of its quarterly meetings Read More…


Celebration of Women’s Day

Being a women-led Organization EQUALITY for Peace and Development is proud of gathering around 750 women across 14 provinces of Afghanistan to mark international women’s day. On 8th March 2017, EPD gathered its provincial women networks together in 14 provinces of Afghanistan including Kabul, Nangarhar, Bamyan, Herat, Faryab, Kandahar, Kunduz, Daikundi, Laghman, Parwan, Balkh, Uruzgan, Helmand and Badakhshan. All the prominent Read More…


EPDs Annual Report – 2016

EQUALITY for Peace and Development published its annual report for year 2016. It includes information on research, launch events, conferences, advocacy activities, trainings and other events hosted by EPD throughout the year. Over this year, EPD has conducted numerous rounds of awareness raising trainings in support of women’s peace and security where women from grass-root level participated and were encouraged to stand and fight for elimination of violence Read More…


PWN Monitoring and Evaluation Report – Round II

In order to build link with the women at the grass root level, it is important to develop a network between some strong, influential, and powerful women for advocacy, capacity building and awareness raising. EPD created a network of these women called Provincial Women Network in 15 provinces of Afghanistan to strengthen the role of women in social, political, development, advocacy and decision-making processes, while providing accountability and oversight Read More…


Session with EU Delegation to Afghanistan

On 26th January 2017, EQUALITY for Peace and Development shared main finding of its recent research report on “Independent Review of 1396 National Budget” with delegation of European Union to Afghanistan. EPD during last 6 continues years, has reviewed Afghanistan national budget draft to provide better insights for community people and help them monitor service delivery process. It also gives insight to the national budget from a civil society perspective on national budget Read More…