
Women Economic Empowerment in Bamyan

Women are a critical part of every society and contribute to every country’s economic growth, social prosperity, and workforce. As underscored by the World Economic Forum, “Reducing gender inequality enhances economic productivity and economic growth.” Where women are permitted to participate as equals in an economy, they experience increased incomes, improved health, and extended lives. To contribute to gender equality and with the financial and technical support of Read More…


National Conference on MWPS

The Monitoring Women Peace and Security (MWPS) project was designed to support execution of Afghanistan NAP 1325 with the aim of enhancing women’s access to their rights and improving their peace and security. Under this project, Cordaid, Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO) and Equality for Peace and Development (EPD) with the financial support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Afghanistan, partnered to create an enabling environment to foster Read More…


Civil Society and Media National Conference on Peace

On April 3, 2019, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, the Salah Consortium – consisted of Cooperation for Peace and Unity (CPAU), Equality for Peace and Development (EPD), Peace Training and Research Organization (PTRO), Sanayee Development Organization (SDO), and The Liaison Office (TLO) – organized a fruitful event entitled “Civil Society and Media National Conference on Peace”. Over 400 key representatives of Civil Society and Media Read More…


Central Exchange on Peace Building

On 14 March 2019, EQUALITY for Peace and Development organized an event with participation of over 80 participants from the Center and provinces of Laghman and Kunduz to exchange opinions and experiences on peace building. Peace merely does not mean to stop war and violence but it also refers to an environment where everyone without distinction of race, language and culture has equal rights and access to resources. Read More…


Youth Peace Movement

Youth forms more than 70% of the country’s population. Since the last 17 years, Afghan youth has made significant developments in education, health, technology, security, and other fields. From their involvement in the technological developments such Afghan robotic girls to safeguarding the country on the borders, to joining politics such as wide participation of youth in the last parliamentary elections, to the inclusion of youth, Read More…


1398 Draft National Budget Review – Launch Event

FY1398 budget totals to AFN 399.42 billion, of which AFN 275.22 billion is allocated for the ordinary budget which constitutes 69% of the core budget. The developmental budget has a smaller share of the FY 1398 budget that totals to AFN 124.19 billion constituting 31% of the core budget.
The proposed budget for FY 1398 has been decreased by AFN 13.79 billion Compared to the national budget FY 1397. Additionally, this comparison Read More…


1397 Draft National Budget Review – Launch Event

Afghanistan national Budget for the FY 1397 has been subjected to some notable changes pertaining to the budget allocation particularly, developmental budget. The draft has been prepared based on international standards of Government Financial Statistic (GFS) and Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) aimed to enhance transparency and achieving a better budget expenditure. On 10 January 2018, Read More…


Police Award-Second Round

Police and community reintegration is possible only through building trust and facilitating initiatives for joint activities and understanding mutual needs and problems. In this regard, EPD in Nangarhar has established its community watch committees consisted of influential figures and civil society activists. It systematically, holds meetings, dialogues and capacity building workshops to monitor police performance and engage community. Read More…


PWN Quarterly Meeting

EQUALITY for Peace and Development has established its networks in fifteen provinces consisted of 30 volunteers working for women empowerment, removing VAW and ensuring women’s peace and security. The PWN members advocate and lobby in their provinces for VAW victims and protect other women by raising awareness and increasing their capacity. Each quarter, the provincial coordinators are invited in the Kabul to share their networks’ experiences Read More…