
Peace Exchange-Orientation Session

On 23rd Jan 2017, an orientation meeting was conducted in EPD’s central office gathering activists in EPD’s newly established Peace Network members. Ms. Najeeba Ayubi, Ms. Hasseena Safi, Ms. Samira Hamidi, Ms. Ghotai Sahebyan and Ms. Parasto Yari were participants from Kabul, on the other hand, 4 participants from Nangarhar and 2 participants from Balkh were in attendance during this meeting. Mr. Edrees Omarzad started the session Read More…


1396 National Budget Review-Session with Members of Parliament

On 8th January 2017, EQUALITY for Peace and Development shared the main findings of its recent research on “Independent Review of Afghanistan 1396 National Budget Draft” with women affairs, civil society and human rights parliamentary committee. It is the sixth annual report that is published and provides a snapshot of resources, allocations, and Public Finance Management Performance (PFMP). With this annual review, EPD aims to present a simple and coherent Read More…


1396 National Budget Review – Launch Event

On 26th December 2016, EPD launched it research report on “Independent Review of Afghanistan 1396 National Budget Draft” with participation of over 90 representatives from national and international organizations working across all the provinces of the Afghanistan including Cordaid, integrity watch, The Liasion Office and other CSOs, community members as well as the media. Each year, EPD conducts an independent review of the Afghanistan National Budget Read More…


Central Exchange – Second Round

On 19th, 20th and 21st December 2016, EPD invited 75 members of its Provincial Women Networks from 15 provinces across the country in Kabul to exchange their ideas, share experience and discuss about the advocacies they had done during past half year of 2016. The program was included presentations, group works and panel discussion. On the first and second days of the program, the representative of each network worked in groups and gave presentations on Read More…


Campaign for 16 Days of Activism

Violence against women is a common dilemma not only in Third World countries but also in the developed countries, emerging in different shapes from domestic violence to political gender discrimination. In Afghanistan also, women are vulnerable and have been victims of improper customs such as early marriage and Baad, Badal, inequality and sexual harassment. Although a huge campaign on women rights is going on to end this violence against women, but still Read More…


Training of the Trainers – 1325 UNSCR

On 22nd and 23rd November, EQUALITY for Peace and Development (EPD) held a two-day ToT on 1325 UNSCR for its Provincial Women Networks’ coordinators from 15 provinces of Afghanistan. EPD has already developed a manual and an advocacy toolkit on this topic entailing information such as four pillars of this resolution, implementation of UNSCR in Afghanistan and how PWNs can advocate for women’s peace and security as a support to these four pillars. Read More…


Community Outreach Session – Third Round

EQUALITY for Peace and Development on 9th November 2016, conducted a public outreach session with participation of 65 members including representatives of civil society actors, high office of oversight and anti-corruption, Kabul provincial members, representatives of governmental institutions, Kabul’s Provincial Women Network (PWN), media, university students and men, women and youth of the community in general. The program was inaugurated by a speech Read More…


Provincial Coordinators – Quarterly Meeting

From 24th – 26th October 2016, EQUALITY for Peace and Development hosted a three-day quarterly meeting with provincial coordinators from 15 provinces of Afghanistan. The aim of this meeting was to facilitate interaction among the coordinators and the central office. The Provincial Coordinators discussed their activities, advocacies, experiences, approaches they used in different provinces, challenges and suggestions for improvements Read More…


National Dialogue-Economic Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs

On 17 October 2016, EQUALITY for Peace and Development held a National Dialogue on “Economic Empowerment of Afghan Women Entrepreneurs” to spread awareness about the importance of women protection centers to address VAW, exchange of the best practices among different women protection centers and to bring stakeholders together to improve the financial sustainability of these women protection centers. Read More…


Community Outreach in 5 provinces-Second Round

Following on EPDs outreach session in Kabul, similar programs like yesterday, were implemented on 3rd October 2016 in Nangarhar, Herat, Bamyan, Kandahar and Faryab. Over 350 participants across the country came together to support women’s political participation and fill the gap between people and their political representatives. Read More…